This morning Missy surprised me by saying ” watch me mummy” and proceeded to put her coat on all by herself. Nothing incredible about that you might say, but I’ve been trying to practice for bloody ages and she’s just struggled to grasp it. I asked her if they’d been learning at school and she said yes. Apparently they put the hood on first and bobs yer uncle, simple!!
Whist she was at nursery I checked the Internet for something to help her with her letters/ learning to read, and stumbled upon jolly phonics . Being relatively new to motherhood I had no idea this was used in schools , so was thrilled to hear from her teacher that they will be using it at kindergarden and are already preparing them at nursery at the moment. Brilliant ,it means we can have continuity at home. It looked just the type of thing she would love and I couldn’t wait to get her home to try it out.
So after lunch we sat down for ages and ages singing the songs, practicing the sounds & drawing the pictures and bingo she’s easily remembering letters she was struggling with without realising she’s working!
After that grandad came and she asked him to take her for a gingerbread man and a hot chocolate, so we went to costa coffee , then to the bakery for the gingerbread man, then to the sweetie shop for some cadbury birdie eggs which she puts in daddy’s cufflinks box and gets one when she’s allowed a treat.
Just before tea ( fish pie) she has watched a bit of poccahontis , tidied up and is now embarking on her bath. So overall a very successful day me thinks!
Top tip of the day; push a stainless steel teaspoon through a baked potato during cooking for a fluffier middle, got it off this morning, tried it today it works!
Bath time , cheerio! X

High ho high ho it’s off to the dentist I go! I’ve not been for three years due to the fact the previous dentist removed and replaced two perfectly good fillings and Ballsed them up so much I can’t eat on the left side. I’ve just plucked up the courage to get it sorted out. Anyway she agreed that the work was a mess and has agreed to correct it thank god . She reckons it’s going to need root drilling GULP and has suggested I bring my iPod !
Missy had a good morning at nursery showing off her little chicken in show and tell. She got a bag of sweets for one of the little chaps birthday so was thrilled!
After lunch she had a play date with her friend whom she hasn’t seen for about 6 months. Every toy has been played with, every dress has been worn, they’ve played doctors, dolls houses, teachers on the blackboard etc etc.. I’ve had a good catch up with mummy and the girls cried when it was time to say goodbye , that’s a successful play date!
It took me roughly 45 minutes to put everything straight afterwards!
So a quick tea and bath and Missy is in bed and fast asleep.
After 45 minutes the door creaked open ( I was eating my chilli)
” excuse me ”
” excuse me mummy”
” you’ve forgotten to brush my teeth, I’ll just go back into my room for a little bit and wait for you to eat your tea”
She was right , I had! I went up and thanked her, she puffed herself up with pride at being so clever!
Its a bloody brilliant age , I absolutely love every second.
Night x

This morning started rather slowly as Daddy took ages to get moving!
Having said that Missy was up and ready to go at 5am this morning even after her busy day yesterday. So we practiced our numbers , reading and letters . She recognises A E O M L S I B J D and she’s learnt R today, not bad for a tiddler!
Whilst I went to tescos Missy was supposed to go to visit Aunty and Great grandad but daddy couldn’t get himself motivated. So it was a quick lunch then off to visit another Aunty in hospital who is post op. All the cousins were there and Auntys and Missy was impeccably behaved , so much so that everyone was commenting on how good she was.
After the hospital we dashed to the train station to meet our friend Tim , we took him to grandma and grandads for Sunday roast. Grandma gave Missy a little chick which laid choccy eggs ,which she made everyone sing ” chick chick chick chick chicken” and she would give them an egg in return!
All the way home she was giggling away to herself and when I asked her what she laughing at she accused Tim of trumping all the time, poor Tim , then he accused her and she informed him hers were more stinky. I must admit I have been witness to more sensible conversations but none quite so entertaining!!
So she’s now in bed and we’re exhausted! Good night !

At exactly 9.25am I had my first hot deep bath in 4 years!! Hoorah he fixed my ongoing problem!! After me, Missy got in and was so pleased with her bath that she said she didn’t want toys she just wanted to sing in the bath!!
After a quick bath each it was time to pick up Aunty Betty from the train station it was minus bloody 4 !!
A quick cuppa and off we go to her little friends party. She chose to wear her Belle dress. She’s stuffed her little face and had to be forced to leave the party table coz she was waiting for the cake and everyone else was doing musical bumps!
After helping to tidy up it was hometime. Missy has been talking non stop ( all day) and running around like a crazy person. I’ve very cruelly sent her upstairs to search for daddy , as I said he was playing hide and seek , he was really at the shops but it kept her occupied for half an hour!
She’s washed the dishes, ( all the clean plastic lids from the Tupperware boxes ) so daddy could watch the football in peace. She’s now reluctantly in bed and is having a very important meeting with her bears!
Daddy is running Betty home and I’m wondering if it’s considered acceptable to have another bath? After all I’ve got four years of catching up to do!!

Peppa Pig

Image by domitilla ferrari via Flickr

Dentist day today! the preparation has been going on for weeks, the Pepper Pig story about her visit to the dentist has been read and re-read over and over.

 If Missy thinks she is missing out on something she will create untill she gets what she wants, so all week  I’ve been saying that Bobby bear and I are going to the dentist ”  I WANT  TO GO TO THE DENTIST!!!!!!” is what comes back at full volume!  “we’ll see” is my standard reply. I have kept this up right untill we got into the dentists room , the lady dentist examined Bobby bears teeth then started saying goodbye when Missy asked if she could have hers checked ,RESULT ,YEAY!!! She opened very wide and a full examination was performed hoorah!

Then it was ballet and Bobby bear was forced to come to ballet,  whilst she pirouettes and bounces about, it’s quite nice to sit for 45 minutes and do nothing! we have to wait for the gas man to fix the water today , between 1pm and 6pm ,    great, it’s a gorgeous day for a walk in the park to blow the cobwebs away, hey ho!

Missy is relaxing for a while watching Aladdin but she’ll be bored in a minute and they toys will come out!

Spoke too soon ha ha , princess stencils, paints and the pepper pig story have been done and the gas man has just left. It’s taken three visits by three different gas repair men to establish why my water is running red-hot for 45 seconds then going luke warm, he’s ordered a part and is coming back tomorrow. (the second chap that came just told me to keep the heating and boiler on all night! even I knew that wasn’t going to sort out the issue!!) It just goes to show you shouldnt judge a book by the cover, as I was quite worried when the young ,good-looking fellow turned up this morning, I thought uh oh here we go, another waste of time, but hopefully he’s the only bugger that has come up with something useful! (lets see what tomorrow brings ). Its hideous not being able to put Missy in the bath without turning on the shower ( hardly relaxing!) and it still being luke warm at that!

Oh and whilst were at it she was very polite to the chap and didn’t ignore him while she was being spoken too. She has got a massive problem with interrupting  and can’t bear it if I talk to anyone else, she gets in between the other person and I,(even daddy and I) then comes and slaps my face  hard and shouts very very loud continually. I’ve tried the techniques they tell you in the books , such as saying politely that when I’m finished talking I will get back to her but she starts shouting so loud you can’t have a conversation and its very embarrassing and  impractical at times.(also people think you are being cruel  ignoring her, especially as She does say” excuse me mummy” but  she needs to learn that she cannot always interrupt. So I explained that the gas man was coming and I needed to have a very important conversation with him  and she was to allow us to talk, if she did this well she would get a marshmallow when he’d gone. She was as quiet as a mouse! not very PC parenting but who cares it got the job done!!

bath time  night all !

footnote: just gone up to run a bath, water stone cold, shower stone cold!  argggh!! He told me it would be  as it was, not freezing!! Poor MISSY!

Right, let me fill you in. A few days ago my other half dropped a litre bottle of coke in the kitchen. After a lot of choice words and banging about he claimed that he had ” cleaned it up”. I noticed he had used a hand towel and nothing else. Two days later I am still sticking to every surface and wall, every time I open a cupboard it’s full of coke, every drawer is swimming and ever wall is splattered and I’ve been cleaning in there for two days!!
My little Missy got off to nursery today with a spring in her step because she’s getting school dinners today.
I made a visit to the tip ( I love the feeling of throwing stuff away ) then the bank, bookshop and home to the ironing.
After nursery we got stuck into some drawing, Missy amazed my by drawing grandad sideway and said” I’m only giving grandad one eye coz he’s looking at Nana” . I didn’t realise kids that age even realised there were such a thing as profiles let alone to draw them!
Missy then did her homework then started on her necklace beading. The beads are thrown all over the lounge carpet and Missy has sat herself on the naughty step to avoid tidying up! She’s missing TV time , this could be a long stand off!
Well eventually we got tidied up, bathed , story and bed. Daddy’s gone for a kebab with grandad and I’ve buggered about with the curling irons. I look like Leo Sayer and Kevin Keegan’s love child!!!

Little Miss Rude !

Posted: January 26, 2011 in 3yr old, adoption, parenthood, ramblings
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This morning  we had a little  issue, nothing too serious. after having to wake Missy up this morning , it didn’t take too long to establish that she was slightly grouchy due to being woken up. whilst getting her dressed for school she soon came round with some songs and tickles, however as soon as Daddy said good morning she  started to sulk for absolutely no reason at all. I asked her what was wrong and she said “nuffink”, so I asked her politely to say good morning to Daddy as it was rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you unless  it is a stranger, she refused. I told her that unless she said morning to Daddy she would need to go on the naughty step, she shouted NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! at the top of her voice about an inch away from my face. ok the naughty step it is then. After three minutes and a hell of a lot of shouting she apologised to daddy and said good morning. It might seem a bit steep but she has started this as a habit with everybody and I’m trying to nip it in the bud.

Nursery went without a glitch, then straight home for lunch before we met Missy’s little friend at the ball park. However ,due to unforseen circumstances, instead of meeting as arranged   at  2.30 they couldn’t make it untill 3.45 .  but we were already at the ball park before we go the message (bloody hell!) . But in an amazing stroke of luck Missy’s best friend from nursery turned up and they had a fab time untill her friend turned up and they all played for hours together.

So it was home-made carrot and orange soup with Philadelphia bread for tea , a bath and three stories and Missy is absolutely knackered! She’s gone to bed slightly early tonight as its her full day at nursery tomorrow and she will sit and ‘read’ her books before she nods off.

Gotta go got a curry to make , night night!

Lordy lord it was hard to get up today and Missy obviously felt the same as I had to drag her out of bed at 7.30. I reckon Daddy’s let her have a late night when I was away! she was very excited about going to nursery as she’s got a new sheep which swims under water so she wanted to take it for show and tell.

After returning the house back to its usual clean and tidy manner I went to pick up a very grumpy little girl, probably tired out. we needed to stop off to get bread which sent her into meltdown. After a stern warning she decided she was happy to go for bread and off we went. as we got to the till we loaded our purchases and a lovely old lady asked Missy if she would help her to load her stuff onto the belt, Missy looked rather suspicious but soon got into the swing of things as the lady passed her the items and she stood on her tippy toes and loaded them up.When they were all on the belt the lady asked Missy if she would like an ice cream for being so helpful, Missy’s eyeballs nearly popped out of her head as the lady gave her a Magnum ( as did mine as it was 5 minutes before lunch!) . What a very kind lady and a lovely gesture, how lovely she took time to engage with a little child on such a level.
After lunch and a meeting regarding our new house, we went for a swim. Those little zoggie squirts are brilliant as they can be used for kids to go under water. So with her new goggles on and after learning how to puff her cheeks out to hold her breath ,she’s bobbing under the water to scrabble about to find the animals, it’s brilliant! Her confidence has doubled!
Tea was late as we were late out the pool, so it was straight to bed with a long chat about our day ( she calls it “what do you want to talk about”) and a couple of stories.
Chilli for daddy and I . Oh forgot to say she came into the kitchen when I was cooking tea and said “mummy?”
“Winston’s trumped”
The end!

Posted: January 25, 2011 in 3yr old, adoption, parenthood, random acts of kindness
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Oh my god , have I been burgled? oh no Missy and Daddy have been playing all day! there’s not a stretch of carpet which hasn’t  been covered, or a toy that hasn’t been played with!

my first fright of the day came when I called Daddy to ask how school had gone, “oh she cried in the car park so it was easier to bring her home” came the reply , imagine how seething  I was , only to be told he was just kidding grrrrr!

So after a full English breakfast , then few lengths of the pool, a  synchronised swimming session and more pampering it was time to come home. Missy was very pleased with the pressy I brought her back, which was a pack of zoggies little swim animals which she can catch/chase/throw and squirt in the pool. Shes shown me all her pictures shes painted and drawn and many many cuddles have been exchanged.

Winston has come into the house with a massive chunk out of his nose, eye and several whiskers missing , I’m really concerned he’s being mistreated at his “home” but can’t help as I have no idea where he lives.

daddy’s gone to get a chippy tea, so I will call it a day!

Just checking in!

Posted: January 24, 2011 in out to play
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It’s 01.25am, this is going to be brief.
I’m full as a drum, slightly merry, massaged to within an inch of my life. Pruned fingers and toes from water immersion.Missy has had fab day with nana and grandad, then been to Nandos for tea with daddy.
God knows if they’ll get to school for 8.20!!!!